Performance Measurement and Attribution
Performance measurement and attribution aim to measure portfolio performance and identify the sources of that performance. Understanding the drivers of risk and return in a portfolio is a critical part of the investment management process as well as an informative tool for evaluating whether a manager’s performance is due to luck, style drift, or skill. On this page, we provide an array of performance measurement and attribution topics and additional resources for deepening your expertise.
A Reality Check on Private Markets: Part III
By Ludovic Phalippou, PhD
A Reality Check on Private Markets: Part II
By Ludovic Phalippou, PhD
How Should Investors’ Long-Term Returns Be Measured?
By Hendrik Bessembinder, Te-Feng Chen, Goeun Choi, and K.C. John Wei
Nonlinear Factor Returns in the US Equity Market
By Roger G. Clarke, Harindra de Silva, CFA, and Steven Thorley, CFA
Private Equity Performance around the World
By Sara Ain Tommar, Serge Darolles, and Emmanuel Jurczenko
Performance Attribution: History and Progress
By Carl R. Bacon, CIPM
How Do Firms Treat Errors in Investment Performance?
By Krista Harvey, CFA, CIPM