ESG Investing and Analysis
A key motivation for investors in the practice of considering ESG (environmental, social, and governance) issues in financial analysis is to gain a fuller understanding of the companies in which they invest and the portfolios that they construct.
Many investors use environmental, social, and governance data in security analysis and portfolio construction to identify material risks and growth opportunities. ESG data are not universally part of mandatory financial reporting, and identifying, understanding, and incorporating the data into investment analysis is challenging. CFA Institute aims to provide research and thought leadership to aid practitioners in ESG investing and analysis.
Net-Zero Investing: Solutions for Benchmarks, Incentives, and Time Horizons
By Bruno Bertocci, and Deborah Kidd, CFA
Modeling Climate Transition Risk: A Network Approach
By Raymond Pang, and Gireesh Shrimali
How to Build a Better ESG Fund Classification System
By Chris Fidler, and Nicole Gehrig
CFA Institute Survey Report on the ESG Regulatory Framework in the EU
By Roberto Silvestri, and Josina Kamerling
Net Zero in the Balance
By Roger Urwin, FSIP
Climate Data in the Investment Process: Challenges, Resources, and Considerations
By Andres Vinelli, Deborah Kidd, CFA, and Tyler Gellasch
Navigating Transition Finance: An Action List
By Winnie Mak, and Andres Vinelli
5 Key Definitions for Responsible Investment
By CFA Institute, Global Sustainable Investment Alliance, and Principles for Responsible Investment