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Industry Codes and Standards

GIPS Standards

Global Investment Performance Standards

The GIPS® standards are voluntary, ethical standards that guide organizations on how to calculate and report their investment results based on the principles of fair representation and full disclosure.


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Code

We recognize a diversity of perspectives will lead to better investor outcomes; an inclusive investment industry will better serve our diverse society. CFA Institute is developing a voluntary code to guide DEI, beginning in the United States and Canada and developing regionally differentiated, global coverage over time.

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Asset Manager Code

We offer the voluntary CFA Institute Asset Manager Code™ to help asset managers practice ethical principles that put client interests first. By helping investors identify asset managers who have committed to high standards of professional conduct, we are building the integrity of the investment industry.


Global ESG Disclosure Standards for Investment Products

The Global ESG Disclosure Standards for Investment Products are the first global voluntary standards for disclosing how an investment product considers ESG issues in its objectives, investment process, and stewardship activities.


Pension Trustee Code of Conduct

CFA Institute Pension Trustee Code of Conduct sets the standard for ethical behavior for a pension plan’s governing body. Voluntary adoption promotes professional excellence among a pension plan’s trustees and trust among the plan’s stakeholders.

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Endowment Code of Conduct

CFA Institute Investment Management Code of Conduct for Endowments, Foundations, and Charitable Organizations outlines ethical responsibilities for the sound management of longer-term financial assets.

If you would like a copy of the Principles for Investment Reporting, Guidance to Effective Investment Reporting, Analyst User Guidelines, Soft Dollar Standards for Client Brokerage, Research Objectivity Standards, or the Trade Management Guidelines please email us at standards@cfainstitute.org.