Elroy Dimson
Elroy Dimson has contributed significant research and expertise to the Financial Analysts Journal and CFA Institute Research Foundation over the years, winning both the Journal’s Graham and Dodd Award for excellence from and the Research Foundation’s James R. Vertin Award. He currently is a member of the Research Foundation review board.
Elroy Dimson is a professor of finance and director of research at Cambridge Judge Business School and Bye-Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. He is co-founder and chairman of the Centre for Endowment Asset Management at Cambridge and formerly served as chairman of the Strategy Council for Norway’s sovereign wealth fund and chairman of the Policy and Advisory Boards of FTSE Russell. He is a member of the Financial Economists Roundtable and of the European Corporate Governance Institute and is a Fellow of CFA Society United Kingdom, the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, and the Royal Historical Society. His books include Triumph of the Optimists, the Global Investment Returns Yearbook, Financial Market History: Reflections on the Past for Investors Today, Endowment Asset Management, Cases in Corporate Finance, and Stock Market Anomalies. He also serves on the Geneva Finance Research Institute supervisory council and several investment committees.
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Conversations with Frank Fabozzi, CFA, Featuring Elroy Dimson

Elroy Dimson | Stocks for the Long Run? Sometimes Yes, Sometimes No

Investment Lessons from John Maynard Keynes