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Thomas M. Idzorek, CFA

Thomas M. Idzorek, CFA photo

Thomas M. Idzorek, CFA, has served two terms as a member of the Financial Analysts Journal’s Editorial Board, is an author/contributor to three CFA Institute Research Foundation books, has co-authored elements of the CFA Program curriculum, and has written for the CFA Institute Enterprising Investor blog. He received a Graham and Dodd Award in 2013.

Thomas M. Idzorek, CFA, is chief investment officer, retirement, for Morningstar Investment Management LLC. He also serves as a member of Morningstar’s 401(k) committee, Public Policy Council, Global Investment Committee, US Investment Policy Committee, and the editorial board of Morningstar magazine. Idzorek previously was president of Morningstar’s global investment management division and has served as president of Ibbotson Associates, president of Morningstar Associates, board member/responsible officer for a number of Morningstar Investment Management subsidiaries, global CIO for Morningstar Investment Management, CIO for Ibbotson Associates, and director of research and product development for Ibbotson.

Idzorek has published numerous journal articles and received two Harry M. Markowitz Special Distinction Awards. He is an expert on lifetime financial planning, multi-asset-class strategic asset allocation, the Black–Litterman model, target-date funds, retirement income solutions, fund-of-funds optimization, risk budgeting, and performance analysis. He is the key methodological creator of Morningstar’s target-date and retirement managed account (robo-advice) solutions.

