Andrew Ang

Andrew Ang has been a prolific author for the Research Foundation and for the Financial Analysts Journal and serves on the Journal’s Advisory Council.
Andrew Ang is a managing director at BlackRock Systematic, where he leads systematic factor, sustainable, and investment solutions and serves as a senior advisor to BlackRock Retirement Solutions. Before joining BlackRock, he was the Ann F. Kaplan Professor of Business at Columbia Business School and chair of the Finance and Economics Division. A financial economist specializing in quantitative investing and author of more than 100 publications, Ang has published on sustainable investing, equities, fixed income, optimal asset allocation, and alternative assets. His seminal papers include research on the minimum volatility factor, incorporating macro factors into bond pricing models, and factor allocation. Ang holds several patents and has won prizes including the Harry Markowitz award and the Bernstein Fabozzi/Jacobs Levy award, and he has received grants from the Q Group, INQUIRE, Netspar, and the National Science Foundation. His book Asset Management: A Systematic Approach to Factor Investing (Oxford University Press 2014) has been translated into Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish.
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