Jeremy J. Siegel

Jeremy J. Siegel has been a trusted contributor to CFA Institute content over the years, with notable involvement since 2001 in the series of publications on the equity risk premium from CFA Institute Research Foundation. In 2005, he was the recipient of the CFA Institute Nicholas Molodovsky Award (now known as the Outstanding Contribution to Investment Research Award) as well as in 1992 a Graham and Dodd Award for excellence from the Financial Analysts Journal.
Jeremy J. Siegel is Russell E. Palmer Professor of Finance at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He is the author of numerous professional articles and two books, Stocks for the Long Run (first published in 1994 and now on its sixth edition) and The Future for Investors: Why the Tried and the True Triumph over the Bold and the New. Professor Siegel also serves as academic director at the Securities Industry Institute and as senior investment strategy adviser at WisdomTree Investments. He is the recipient of the Distinguished Leadership Award from the Securities Industry Association and has also been recognized with the Peter Bernstein and Frank Fabozzi Award from the Journal of Portfolio Management.
Jeremy J. Siegel | Stocks for the Long Run? Sometimes Yes, Sometimes No

Investing Insights from Jeremy Siegel

Making the Case for Equities