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Bridge over ocean
16 September 2019 Financial Analysts Journal Volume 75, Issue 4

Optimal Timing and Tilting of Equity Factors

  1. Hubert Dichtl
  2. Wolfgang Drobetz
  3. Harald Lohre
  4. Carsten Rother
  5. Patrick Vosskamp

Aiming to optimally harvest global equity factor premiums, we investigated the benefits of parametric portfolio policies for timing factors conditioned on time-series predictors and tilting factors based on cross-sectional factor characteristics. We discovered that equity factors are predictably related to fundamental and technical time-series indicators and to such characteristics as factor momentum and crowding. We found that such predictability is hard to benefit from after transaction costs. Advancing the timing and tilting policies to smooth factor allocation turnover slightly improved the evidence for factor timing but not for factor tilting, which renders our analysis a cautionary tale on dynamic factor allocation.

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