Trust is the backbone of relationships in the investment management business, yet it is undeniably fragile. To better understand why, CFA Institute and Edelman commissioned Edelman Berland to develop the CFA Institute & Edelman Investor Trust Study.
The CFA Institute & Edelman Investor Trust Study examines trust by investors in investment managers, and explores what dimensions influence that level of trust. This study builds on the Edelman Trust Barometer which explores the levels of trust informed members of the public have in a variety of business, NGO, and government institutions globally.
The Investor Trust Study surveyed over 2,100 retail and institutional investors in the United States, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Australia, and Canada, and finds that while a slim majority of respondents trust investment managers, the level of trust is fragile. The study finds that beyond the usual financial issues of performance and fees, investors place value on alignment of interests in their consideration of which managers to hire.