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16 February 2017 Multimedia

What Difference Do Dividends Make?

  1. Mitchell Conover, PhD, CFA, CIPM

In a low-yield environment, dividends have become important for investors. In their article “What Difference Do Dividends Make?” published in the November/December 2016 issue of the Financial Analysts Journal, C. Mitchell Conover, CFA, CIPM,

In a low-yield environment, dividends have become important for investors. In their article “What Difference Do Dividends Make?” published in the November/December 2016 issue of the Financial Analysts Journal, C. Mitchell Conover, CFA, CIPM, Gerald R. Jensen, CFA, and Marc W. Simpson, CFA investigated whether investing in high-dividend-paying stocks increase portfolio performance and then tested the effect of dividend levels on a number of investment styles and strategies. Join Conover as he discusses the results from his research and highlights the practical implications for investors.

This is an archived recording of a live webinar that took place on 16 February 2017.