For 25 years, the Vertin Award has honored individuals who produced a body of research notable for its relevance and enduring value to investment professionals. In this publication, these luminaries share insights and critical investment lessons.

CFA Institute Research Foundation is honored and delighted to present these insights from 25 years of Vertin Award recipients. These legends of the investment industry range in stature from Nobel Prize winners to billionaire hedge fund managers, from distinguished professors of finance who have shaped thousands of young minds to editors of prestigious academic journals and authors of some of the most popular investment books ever published. Although their backgrounds vary widely, they hold one thing in common: They all made substantial lifetime contributions to the field of investments.
In this publication, these investment luminaries share:
- Their proudest accomplishments
- The most influential investment publications they have written and read
- The critical investment lessons they have learned
- Their expectations for the future
- Any professional regrets they may have had
In a longer summary section, the Vertin Award winners discuss in more detail what has been most important to their professional and personal success and may be important to you and your career.
The publication contains forewords from CFA Institute CEO Marg Franklin, CFA, Managing Director of Research, Advocacy, and Standards Paul Andrews, and Research Foundation Chair Joanne Hill. There are also testimonials about the importance of these investment legends from various charterholders, CFA candidates, and members of the Research Foundation. An introduction by the editor and Executive Director of the Research Foundation, Bud Haslett, CFA, describes how this publication evolved and why it is essential.
Suggestions on how you can best learn from the Vertin Award winners’ insights are provided as a convenient index section so you can easily compare the various recipients’ responses to specific questions.