Financial Analysts Journal Editorial Team
Executive Editor
The executive editor decides whether and when every submission is suitable for publication in the Financial Analysts Journal, in consultation with the managing editor and CFA Institute. The executive editor may also advise on the overall strategy and management of the Financial Analysts Journal in keeping with its mission and identity and standards.

Managing Editor

Associate Editors

Advisory Council
Andrew Ang
BlackRock, United States
Brad Barber
UC Davis, United States
Stephen J. Brown
Monash Business School and New York University Stern School, United States
Campbell Harvey
Duke University, United States
Joanne M. Hill
CBOE Vest, United States
Jason Hsu
Rayliant Global Advisors, Hong Kong SAR, China
UCLA, United States
Maureen O’Hara
Cornell University, United States
Katrina F. Sherrerd, CFA
Research Affiliates, United States
Steven Thorley, CFA
BYU Marriott School of Business, United States
Maria Vassalou
Vassalou Capital Management, United States
K.C. John Wei
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR, China
Editorial Board
Sandro C. Andrade
Miami Herbert Business School, United States
Tom Arnold, CFA, CIPM
University of Richmond, United States
Nick Baltas
Goldman Sachs & Imperial College Business School, United Kingdom
Hendrik Bessembinder
Arizona State University, United States
David Blanchett, CFA
PGIM, United States
Marie Brière
AMUNDI, France
Université Paris Dauphine PSL, France
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Jie (Jay) Cao
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Accounting and Finance, Hong Kong SAR, China
Felix Goltz
Scientific Beta, France
Vitali Kalesnik
MGI Machine Guided Investments, LLP, London, United Kingdom
Kenneth A. Kim
Tongji University, China
Feifei Li
Kavout Algo Financial, United States
Daniel Mantilla Garcia
Universidad de los Andes, School of Management (Colombia) and NETSPAR
Sébastien Page, CFA
T. Rowe Price, United States
Petya Platikanova
ESADE Business School, Spain
Tatjana Puhan
University of Mannheim, Germany
Bernd Scherer
Abu Dhabi Investment Authority,
United Arab Emirates
Margaret Stumpp
Giggle Hill, United States
Laurens Swinkels
Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
Robeco Institutional Asset Management, Netherlands
Hui (Stacie) Wang, CFA
Fidelity Investments, United States
Xintong Zhan, CFA
Fudan University School of Management (Shanghai), China