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Bridge over ocean
1 November 2015 Financial Analysts Journal Volume 71, Issue 6

Liquid Betting against Beta in Dow Jones Industrial Average Stocks

  1. Benjamin R. Auer
  2. Frank Schuhmacher

The authors considered liquidity and transaction costs in the practical implementation of betting against beta (BAB) strategies. Using the 30 highly liquid stocks of the Dow Jones Industrial Average over 1926–2013, they analyzed whether the beta anomaly exists and, if so, whether it can be exploited within that universe. With respect to its existence, they found strong evidence of an inverse risk–return relationship. With respect to its exploitability, they found that pure BAB trading portfolios and mixed portfolios (combinations of the pure portfolios and the S&P 500 Index) generate significant abnormal returns that cannot be explained by standard asset-pricing factors. Their results hold both before and after transaction costs and are robust in various settings.

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