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Bridge over ocean
1 July 1966 Financial Analysts Journal Volume 22, Issue 4

The Coming Impact of Mass Transit

  1. Gerard L. Snyder

All statistical indicators seem to have established the transit industry as distressed. It is characterized by declining demand, rising costs, low return on investment, and an inability to raise capital. Yet, as Harvard Professor Lewis Schneider points out, “it is almost ironic to note that as the financial problems intensify, the transit industry stands at the possible threshold of a dramatic renaissance.” According to E. G. Budd, Jr., President of the Budd Company, “the market for commuter railroad equipment could be one of the big industrial stimulants of the coming decade.” Money will go into many industries: aerospace, aluminum, cement, copper, electrical, steel, textile, and others. The coming impact of mass transit will affect many companies large and small, old and new. Investors should be alert to this rapidly growing area of investment possibilities.

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