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23 September 2020 Multimedia

APAC Regional Webinar: Splitting Sectors: The At-Home Revolution Will Change Investing Strategies Forever (Not Just Because of COVID-19)

Professional Investing Series

  1. Joel Litman
  2. Lutfey Siddiqi, CFA

Prof. Litman has decades of experience in the finance sector. He has taught & guest-lectured at Harvard Business School, U Chicago Booth, Wharton, LBS, etc. Learn from Prof. Litman how will the At-Home revolution change investing strategies forever?

Professor Litman’s programs have received tremendous reviews from CFA Institute member societies, executive MBA programs, and institutional investors recently in Boston, New York, Singapore, Istanbul, and elsewhere around the world.

In this program, Litman discusses how the “At-Home Revolution” is forcing corporations and investors to rethink sector and industry allocations: The pandemic is a mere accelerator to a decade-long trend changing human behavior worldwide.

Spending patterns are changing as living patterns are changing, and so is the market.

Expecting a rebound in banks, note those with residential versus commercial real estate portfolios of assets. One group is in for a decade-long bear market, whereas the other is experiencing an uncanny boom.

When will we see a recovery in travel and hospitality? One has to think very differently about airlines versus hotel chains. They won’t share the same cycle as they have in the past.

Work at home, play at home, supply the home, heal at home, and protect the home—all perspectives of a megatrend that’s just getting rolling. Traditional sector analysis does not provide proper exposure to the varying forces of change.

Point of Focus: How US GAAP and IFRS accounting standards are wholly unreliable, directionally and materially, causing some investors to completely miss the market evidence for the At-Home Revolution.

With 220 of the top 300 global investment firms reading Valens Research reports, there is no doubt of the widespread recognition of a worldwide failure in financial reporting. It does not represent economic reality and thereby misleads many investors, causing them to miss major economic trends—until it’s too late.

Please join us as Professor Litman shares real-world, live examples of how the At-Home Revolution continues to shape the winning and losing companies and investors over the next decade.

This is an archived recording of a live webinar that took place on 17 September 2020.

Webinar Presentation Download PDF