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15 July 2022 Financial Analysts Journal

Financial Analysts Journal, Third Quarter, 2022, Vol. 78 No. 3

  1. CFA Institute
This PDF contains the complete Third Quarter 2022 issue of the Financial Analysts Journal.
2022 Third Quarter Issue (Vol.78, No.3) Read the full issue CFA Institute Member Content


In this issue of the Financial Analysts Journal, you will find the following articles:

Shareholder Democracy, Meet Memocracy
William N. Goetzmann

Forecasting the Long-Term Equity Premium for Asset Allocation
Athanasios Sakkas and Nikolaos Tessaromatis

Fund Selection: Sense and Sensibility
Guido Baltussen, Stan Beckers, Jan Jaap Hazenberg, and Willem Van Der Scheer, CFA

Portable Beta and Total Portfolio Management
Stefano Cavaglia, John Hua Fan, and Zhenping Wang

Hedged Mutual Funds and Competition for Sources of Alpha
Asli Eksi and Hossein Kazemi

Investing with Style in Liquid Private Debt
Thomas Mählmann and Galina Sukonnik, CFA

Evolutionary Finance for Multi-Asset Investors
Michael Schnetzer and Thorsten Hens

Employee Satisfaction and Long-Run Stock Returns, 1984–2020
Hamid Boustanifar and Young Dae Kang

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