The Research and Policy Center is a global insights accelerator that engages, convenes, and influences world thought leaders, policymakers, and decision makers in the investment industry. Our viewpoints are published in leading global news outlets.
- It’s Time to Ban Stock Trading for Members of Congress
- Will the Widespread Adoption of AI for Investments Present Risks to Economic Stability?
- SPACs: Will They Rise Again?
- Chevron Deference: The Key to US Regulations That are Fit-for-Purpose
- SEC to Investment Funds: Quit Playing Name Games
- Does it Matter What Investors Think about ESG?
- Congress Takes a Serious Swing at Crypto Legislation
- The Great Inflation Unwind: Is the Breakage Point Just Beginning
- Fearless Girl: Is Finance Making Progress?
- Great Financial Crisis 2.0? Not Necessarily, If Policy Makers Act
- Why Comply with the CFA Institute Global ESG Disclosure Standards for Investment Products?
- Politicians Make Poor Asset Managers
- FTX: Putting the Cry in Crypto
- The Great Inflation Unwind: Can We Avoid Breakage?
- The Extreme Politics of Investment Management: How the Climate Debate May Kill Fiduciary Duty
- Crypto Regulation: Who's on First?
- Greenwashing and the Mis-Selling of ESG
- Proxy Voting Advice Has Become the Latest Political Football
- Auto Enrollments in Secure Act 2.0 Linchpin for Improving Retirement System
- Here's What Ethical Personal Trading in Congress Looks Like, According to CFA Institute