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Roger Urwin, FSIP

Roger Urwin

Global Head of Investment Content, Towers Watson

Roger Urwin, FSIP, (ex officio) assumed the new post of Global Head of Investment Content at Towers Watson in July 2008 after acting as the Global Head of the investment practice from 1995 to 2008. His prior career involved investment consulting at Bacon & Woodrow (now Aon), heading the Mercer investment practice and leading the business development and quantitative investment functions at Gartmore Investment Management. Mr. Urwin’s current role includes work for some of the firm's major investment clients both in the UK and internationally. He leads the firm’s work on transformational change and has conducted major strategic reviews at a number of global leading funds. He is also involved with the Willis Towers Watson thought leadership group (Thinking Ahead Group) and co-founder of the Thinking Ahead Institute. His investment innovations include the creation of the first target date and lifestyle DC funds (in 1988) and the risk budget framework (in 1999) and he is also the author of over 20 published papers on investing, organisational culture, governance and sustainability. Mr. Urwin is also Advisory Director at MSCI Inc and Chair of the Advisory Council to the CFA Institute Future of Finance initiative. He has a degree in Mathematics from Oxford University and a Masters in Applied Statistics also from Oxford. He qualified as a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries in 1983. He became a Fellow of the UK CFA Society in 2015.