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Bridge over ocean
1 September 1999 Financial Analysts Journal Volume 55, Issue 5

From the Editor

  1. H. Gifford Fong

I am pleased to announce some additions to the Editorial Board of the Financial Analysts Journal for September 1999–August 2000. We welcome the new members of the team: Werner F.M. De Bondt; Khalid Ghayur, CFA; Charles M.C. Lee; Jay Shanken; Paul Suckow, CFA; and Brett Trueman.

To promote renewal, some turnover in the editorial board will occur every year. The objective is to foster insights and refereeing support from a periodically changing group of talented and dedicated individuals. The quality of the FAJ highly depends on the work of these people.

Our retiring board members are Charles Ellis, CFA; Joanne Hill; David Lukach; Arnold Wood; and Arthur Zeikel. Each has dedicated many hours to the FAJ, and on behalf of the editorial staff and AIMR, I extend my thanks and appreciation to all of them for their devotion.

Supplementing the editorial board's efforts for the past year has been a group of ad hoc referees who have graciously participated in the review and evaluation of the many manuscripts that have been submitted to the FAJ: Lee Carty; Greg Duffee; Darrell Duffie; Richard Grinold; Steven Heston; Narasimhan Jegadeesh; Raymond Kan; Josef Lakonishok; Charles M.C. Lee; Hayne Leland; Jim Meehan; Terrance Odean; Hersh Shefrin; Meir Statman; Paul Suckow, CFA; Sheridan Titman; Brett Trueman; John Van Reenen; and Ming Wang. I would like to extend our thanks and appreciation to these dedicated referees.

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