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Bridge over ocean
21 April 2022 Multimedia

Practitioners' Insights: Nuts and Bolts of Indexing

  1. Christine Lu, CFA
  2. Shreenivas Kunte, CFA, CIPM

In this webinar, Christine Lu, CFA, will share her hands-on expertise on index methodologies including practical insights on the future of index investing with AI and machine learning technologies.

Globally, the tides are shifting, and a significant amount of new money is being invested through passive indexing. There are approximately 3 million indexes worldwide. As with many other aspects of investing, India is catching up.

This webinar will examine the index construction process, index methodologies, rebalancing and trading, and the evolving world of smart-beta index strategies. Christine Lu, senior manager of the Equity Index Group at FTSE Russell, will provide ample insight on asset allocation using rules-based index strategies, smarter investment decision making based on big data, and the future of investing with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies.

Learning outcomes:

  • Learn about concepts in index construction and methodology.
  • Review sampling and weighting methodologies.
  • Discuss rebalancing and trading.
  • Analyze smart-beta concepts and the future with AI.

This is the archived version of a live webinar that took place on 21 April 2022