As the Indian economy is advancing its physical (roads, air travel, rail), digital (telecom and internet), and financial (bank account access, payments, GST) integration, many sectors are experiencing a direct structural impact. One key outcome we already have seen, and that likely will accelerate, is the consolidation of various industries. These events will drive massive investment opportunities in the stock market over the next decade and beyond. Investors, however, need to be careful about two critical aspects when utilising these opportunities for wealth creation: (1) identifying companies with clean accounting and reliable financial disclosures; and (2) identifying companies that will be the consolidators in their industries rather than the business that will fall by the wayside.
Learning outcomes:
- Explore why investing in Indian equities in the coming decades is a path to massive wealth creation.
- Discuss the simple three-step investment process used to identify winning stocks (i.e., consistent compounders).
- Learn how to identify and avoid accounting frauds.
- Examine companies with strong and durable competitive advantages and companies that allocate capital prudently.
- Understand why trying to time the market and trying to find “cheap P/E” stocks are fallacies that investors should avoid.
This is the archived version of a live webinar that took place on 23 December 2021