Bridge over ocean
31 August 2018 Multimedia

2020 GIPS Standards Highlights

  1. Iain McAra
  2. Kenneth P Robinson, CFA, CIPM
  3. Karyn D. Vincent, CFA, CIPM

The Exposure Draft of the 2020 edition of the Global Investment Performance Standards (2020 GIPS® Standards Exposure Draft) was issued on 31 August 2018 and is available for public comment through 31 December 2018. This pre-recorded webinar provides an overview of key concepts in the 2020 Standards Exposure Draft and addresses issues of interest to all firms and asset owners, including:

  • New structure and format of the 2020 GIPS standards
  • Tailored guidance for asset owners
  • Differentiation of composites versus pooled funds
  • Ability to allocate cash to carve-out segments
  • New valuation requirements for private market investments
  • More flexibility for using money-weighted returns versus time-weighted returns
  • New voluntary advertising guidelines for broad distribution pooled funds
  • 2020 GIPS standards timetable

Watch webinar via Adobe Connect

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