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Bridge over ocean
1 November 2016 Position Paper

Bridging the Gap

Ensuring Effective Non-GAAP and Performance Reporting

  1. Vincent Papa, PhD, CPA, CFA
  2. Sandra J. Peters, CPA, CFA
  3. Kurt Schacht, JD, CFA

Non-GAAP financial measures (NGFMs) are a core part of how companies communicate their performance, and they are meant to supplement measures required by accounting standards (e.g., US GAAP/IFRS). This publication articulates actions required to improve communication of these measures and enhance the overall performance reporting framework, building on an earlier part of this publication that addressed investor uses, expectations, and concerns on NGFMs. The first part and this publication are informed by a survey of CFA Institute members—mostly buy-side analyst and portfolio manager respondents.

Bridging the Gap: Ensuring Effective Non-GAAP and Performance Reporting View the full article (PDF)