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We accept gifts up to $10,000 through PayPal. For large gifts ($10,000 and up) please email [email protected] Give to the Research Foundation

Thank you for your interest in supporting the Research and Policy Center. While we currently do not accept financial donations, there are several other meaningful ways to contribute:

  • Subscribing to our newsletters ensures you stay informed about our latest research and policy initiatives.
  • Sharing our articles and content on social media helps raise awareness and expand our reach.
  • Additionally, you can benefit by contributing to the Research Foundation, which supports ongoing Research Foundation work.

Your engagement and support in these ways are greatly appreciated and vital in advancing our mission. 

Why Give to the Research Foundation


The CFA Institute Research Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that sponsors independent research for investors and investment professionals around the world. The foundation is a 501(c)(3) corporation solely sponsored by CFA Institute members and investment professionals. Contributions may be tax deductible in the United States within the limits of the law.

Your donation raises professional excellence and enables the foundation to continue its important mission to fund, publish, and distribute in-depth, high-quality, independent research relevant to the global investment community.

This research supports the CFA Institute's mission of promoting the highest standards of ethics, education, and professional excellence for the ultimate benefit of society. It raises industry understanding and investor confidence, which benefits all investment professionals.

How to Donate