Financial crises and frauds are an unfortunate part of financial markets, but these events offer rich opportunities for us to become better investors.
Financial crises and frauds are an unfortunate part of financial markets, but these events offer rich opportunities for us to become better investors. Accurate diagnoses of historical crises – and their attendant lessons for the future – often require perspectives that come from vastly different skill sets. Using an innovative framework, Ron Rimkus, CFA, Director of Economics and Alternative Investments at CFA Institute, and creator of the Financial Scandals, Scoundrels & Crises site, will demonstrate how to combine fundamental analysis, history, policy, agency costs, and behavioral finance in the forensic examination of past crises. Using this approach, he will walk you through three real-world case studies: the Asian Flu of 1997, the Russian Bond Default of 1998, and the 1998 collapse of Long-Term Capital Management.
This is an archived version of a webinar that took place on 7 June 2017.