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Bridge over ocean
1 July 1997 Financial Analysts Journal Volume 53, Issue 4

Does the “Dow-10 Investment Strategy” Beat the Dow Statistically and Economically?

  1. Grant McQueen
  2. Kay Shields
  3. Steven R. Thorley, PhD, CFA

A comparison of returns from 1946 to 1995 on a portfolio of the 10 Dow Jones Industrial Average stocks with the highest dividend yields (the Dow-10) with those from a portfolio of all 30 stocks in the DJIA (the Dow-30) shows that the Dow-10 portfolio beats the Dow-30 statistically; that is, the Dow-10 has significantly higher average annual returns. After adjusting for the Dow-10 portfolio's higher risk, extra transaction costs, and unfavorable tax treatment, however, the Dow-10 does not beat the Dow-30 economically. In some subperiods, Dow-10 performance is economically superior, but the question is how to interpret this information in light of the potential for data mining and investor learning.

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