Exposure Draft of the CFA Institute ESG Disclosure Standards for Investment Products
Below are the comment letters received during the public comment period for the Exposure Draft of the CFA Institute ESG Disclosure Standards for Investment Products. The list below contains only the comment letters from those individuals or organizations that have given CFA Institute permission to post their letters on its website.
- Adenda Capital Inc.
- auctusESG LLP
- Cascade Investment Compliance and Verification
- CFA Societies Canada ESG Working Group
- CFA Society India/Indian Association of Investment Professionals
- CFA Society South Africa
- CFA Society Switzerland
- Jeannie Chun, CFA (ESG Investing / Manager Research), Mark Duffy, CFA (ESG Analyst), Aimee Forsythe, CFA (Senior Vice President & Senior Portfolio Manager), Michael Greis, CFA (Principal and Sustainable Investing Consultant), Larry Pohlman, PhD (Quantitative Researcher), Patricia Schneider, CFA (Vice President & Portfolio Manager), Lee Souter, CFA, FRM (Director, ESG Strategy), Allison Walsh, CFA (Head of ESG and Corporate Sustainability), Andrew Wetzel, CFA (Principal & Equity Portfolio Manager
- Deloitte Risk Advisory Malaysia
- Shane Enete, PhD, CFA, Biola University
- Ernst & Young LLP (UK)
- First Nations Financial Management Board and the Reconciliation and Responsible Investment Initiative
- Fulcrum Capital
- Fullsky Partners, LLC
- Genus Capital Management
- INREV – The European Association of Investors in Non-Listed Real Estate Vehicles
- International Finance Corporation (IFC)
- Investment Company Institute (ICI)
- Investment Consultant Sustainability Working Group (ICSWG-UK)
- Investment Funds Institute of Canada (IFIC)
- Japan Stewardship Forum
- Ick Jin, PhD, CFA, CIPM
- Moody’s ESG Solutions
- NEI Investments
- Parametric Portfolio Associates, LLC
- Portfolio Management Association of Canada (PMAC)
- Progressive Working Group for Responsible Investment
- Quit Nukes
- Responsible Investment Association Australia (RIAA)
- Neil Scarth
- Scotia Global Asset Management
- The Asset Management Group of the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (“SIFMA AMG”) and the Asset Management Group of the Asia Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (“ASIFMA AMG”)
- Shuang (Sarah) Song
- Swiss Sustainable Finance
- TD Asset Management Inc. (TDAM)
- Telligent Capital Management Ltd.
- Vivien Teu
- Chris Tobe, CFA